Bottle Refusal
If you plan to feed Lucy one or more supplemental bottles daily while nursing, it may be a good idea to introduce the practice as soon as she’s comfortable with breast feeding, which usually takes a week to ten days. With this early double exposure, she can remember how to suck on both devices and go from one to the other easily, as long as she gets to practice on both routinely. If you aren’t using a bottle on a regular basis, however, there is no point in introducing it until you need to, whether you’re going back to work or decreasing nursing. After she’s fully accustomed to your nipple, if she senses you pushing a bottle on her, she’ll refuse it. Don’t be surprised. Your breast is her preferred source of nutrition, and she won’t take a substitute, especially from you. But don’t be discouraged either. When you have to introduce that bottle, you can implement my simple and efficient strategy:
1 |Fill a bottle with either formula or pumped breast milk.
2 |Leave Lucy with someone else: your husband, your baby-sitter, anyone but you.
3 |Get out. Don’t linger in the doorway. Don’t look back. Don’t call home. When you come back, you’ll find that Lucy has magically taken the bottle. One hundred percent guaranteed.