Cup Feeding
The latest trend in feeding newborns is giving breast milk from a cup, as if babies were party guests with martinis. This brilliant idea was conceived to avoid nipple confusion while foisting nutrition on newborns, who are normally quite sleepy in the first few days. Have you ever seen a baby feed from a cup? It’s cute, but it’s not very efficient. If you insist strenuously enough, you may get Lucy to take a few sips, but this method of feeding goes against nature. The simple fact is, babies need to suck.
This hyper-concern over early nutrition is ludicrous. Most babies don’t feed much during the first few days anyway, so there is no need to confuse them with either a cup or an artificial nipple. Babies have nursed for ages without cups, so why start now? My advice in terms of nursing is that you follow Lucy’s lead; she’ll tell you when she needs to eat and how.