You can find a bewildering array of baby wipes for sale in your grocery store. What you may not know is that wipes are basically your average table napkins, kept moist in a plastic box with a mild alcoholic agent or fragrance added. For newborns, it’s best to avoid packaged wipes altogether; they tend to dry the skin and provoke diaper irritation by dissolving and rubbing away the thin natural layer of protective oil. For butt care at home, I recommend using plain running tap water [See: Washing]. A few months later, when Lucy’s skin is a bit tougher, wipes are fine to use for the sake of convenience when you’re out and about. You can even take the homemade version on the road: Moisten a bunch of napkins with water, throw them in a plastic bag, and guess what? You’ve just created your own natural wipes and saved a good deal of money.