Nipple Confusion
The most confusing thing about nipple confusion is the name. After birth, give Lucy a bottle five times in a row, and she’ll only want to suck on a bottle. She won’t be confused at all; the rubber nipple is much easier than the human one. That’s why it’s preferable to stick to your own nipple while nursing. If, for any number of reasons, you have to give her a bottle, you may lose a small battle, but you won’t necessarily have lost the war. You can reintroduce breast feeding, though it may be a bit of a struggle. The only way to do so is to nurse naturally instead of using a confusing supplemental nursing system that will only teach her how to nurse from a tube. Please refer to the Breast-Feeding Problems chapter if you experience latching difficulties. Conversely, once Lucy is accustomed to your breast, she’ll be confused if you give her a bottle.