In public or in front of grandma, Jimmy’s masturbation is embarrassing for everybody but Jimmy, who finds it pleasurable. Childhood genital exploration is a perfectly normal developmental stage that you should not discourage as long as it is done where appropriate. It begins as early as the end of the second year. But before Jimmy turns three or four and gets a feel for social pressures, he won’t understand why he can’t do it whenever he wants. If it happens in public, just distract him with another activity without offering an extensive lecture. When he’s older he’ll naturally seek privacy for this activity. Masturbation can cause irritation in both girls and boys. For Jimmy, let him explore the fine line that lies between pain and pleasure as he discovers that too much yanking will hurt him. As for your little girl, keep her nails short, and apply a little Vaseline on the outside of the vagina if it becomes irritated.