Bed Graduation
When should Jimmy make the transition from crib to bed? Persistent attempts to climb overboard are a sign he may be ready. Even if he doesn’t attempt a breakout, most kids are happy to be freed from their crib prison around two years of age. When he’s first getting used to his new bed, be prepared to find Jimmy on the other side of his room in the morning or in your bed in the middle of the night. If you don’t mind either of these outcomes, pick an occasion, such as his second birthday, and go shopping for a new toddler bed. The bed could include an optional side rail that prevent falls, but remember, toppling out of a low bed a few times teaches children not to fall later on. You can also lay the groundwork for the crib-to-bed transition by buying a convertible crib that becomes a toddler bed thanks to an adjustable mattress and rail.
Kids usually greet “bed graduation” with joy. Don’t press the issue if Jimmy doesn’t. Keep both the crib and the bed in his room, and try to make the switch again a few weeks later. Just be patient . . . I have yet to hear of a five-year-old who still sleeps in a crib.